
Sunday 27 February 2011

Stylish Blogger Award... Thank you Amy!

Good morning Everyone!
Wow, I kept seeing these awards being awarded and they have always brought a smile to my face... Just so nice from time to time to take a moment a recognize the hard work that people put into sharing with all of you / us! So, I am delighted that I now get to be the one to share the awards among you.  Amy from Amy's Stampin Place picked me!  Thank you, so much, for choosing me!!  You made me smile and hope to bring a smile on people's faces too!
Part of the award is to do the following:
When you receive this award you are to:

1) thank the person who gave this award to me and link it back to their blog

2) share 8 things about myself

3) pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered

4) leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition:

So, with no further ado, 8 things about me:

1.) I was born and raise in french in Quebec, Canada and have been living in Ontario for the last 7 years with my hubby and my 6 and 1/2 year old "monkey"!

2.) I love to cook and bake... I restrain myself from doing it cause I hate to clean up the kitchen afterward.

3.) To this day, I am still terrified of thunderstorms, drains and faucets!

4.) Don't send me to the mall if there is a shoe sale... I will definitively adopt a pair and bring it home!

5.) When I am very excited about something good, it is really hard for me to keep the secret:-)

6.) Some people eat to live... If I didn't have all these weird food allergies, I would admit to being one of those that live to eat

7.) I love to let go of the little things by sitting down in my Stampin'Oasis and craft my heart away!

8.) I became a Stampin'Up! demonstrator for the discount as I love, love , love to craft.  I discovered that sharing this passion is even more fun then keeping all of this to myself... I am hoping that I can keep meeting awesome people, share and teach as well as learn and that they too will see the good in all of this! I never want this to feel like a 'job'.  It's my passion and you are welcome to join me.

Now, here are the 8 people I've chosen.  Please go check them out when you have time.  Thanks again for choosing me!  I hope you had fun learning a little about me.
  • Teneale... Gorgeous
  • Fanny... inspirational and story telling!
  • Monica... The passions
  • Nancy... for her good 'i'
  • Patty... for doing it ALL
  • Connie... For constantly sharing
  • Lori... Delightful
  • Julie... for her style and being a Julie, lol!!!!

TTFN! Photobucket


  1. Julie, thanks so much for the wonderful award! I enjoyed reading the fun facts about you!

  2. Tu sais quoi? Je te retourne le prix! Tu fais partie de la petite dizaine de site que je suis alors je te retourne le compliment! LOL
